Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Final Day of Tour, Tuesday, June 15

It is 8:00 p.m. and OMG I am wiped out!
Yakima's minister sent us off early in the morning with a blessing - thank you for seeing us off! Our 7:30 a.m. departure turned into a 10 hour bus ride because there were so many closures on the freeway. Our valiant driver, David, took us on several scenic routes, but eventually even his ingenuity was blocked as we had a hour long wait in Baker. Luckily Kristal had a dvd, so we popped in the only video of our trip and watched it while waiting on the side of the road for the freeway to open up. It made the waiting bearable for most of us, except for maybe Karen who was due in Boise to work at 4:00 p.m. If her employers are reading our blog, know that we were not in control of the moving van that toppled over outside of La Grande, or the freeway construction outside of Baker!

So a couple of us arrived home with head colds, and I think all of us are a few pounds heavier, but we'll just have to take care of that by exercising more the next couple weeks. I may be too tired to wax poetic, but we all had a wonderful time, things ran very smoothly, we shared our music and our mission with alot of wonderful people, we saw beautiful sites and we made new friends. Not too bad for an all volunteer choir. Thanks to everyone who had a part in making this dream a reality. I hope you all get a good night's sleep and look forward to getting back to your normal routines.....why do I still feel like I am rolling side to side in the bus?! :)
This is Boise Singer signing off for now. Until next tour!
Remember, Life is full of simple gifts......simply live life as a gift!

1 comment:

  1. The blog looks fabulous, Viv! Thanks for making it easy to share our trip with family and friends.
